SdNOG Users creation Ansible code

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Ansible Playbook: Sudo Users creation with SSH Keys

This Ansible playbook configures users with sudo privileges, sets up SSH keys, and requires users to change their password upon first login.


The playbook performs the following tasks:

  1. Installs necessary packages based on the operating system (Debian/Ubuntu or RedHat/CentOS).
  2. Checks if users already exist.
  3. Generates passwords for new users.
  4. Creates new users with these passwords and assigns them to the sudo group.
  5. Sets passwords to expire upon the user's first login.
  6. Deploys SSH public keys for users.
  7. Sends the password to users via email.


  • users: A list of users to be created, each with the following attributes:
    • username: The username for the new account.
    • ssh_key: The SSH public key to be deployed for the user.
    • email: The email address where the password will be sent.


1. Install Required Packages

For Debian/Ubuntu

  - name: needed packages are installed (Debian/Ubuntu)
      name: "{{ item }}"
      state: latest
    loop: ["sudo", "openssh-server", "mailutils"]
    when: ansible_facts['os_family'] == "Debian"

For RedHat/CentOS

  - name: needed packages are installed (RedHat/CentOS)
      name: "{{ item }}"
      state: latest
    loop: ["sudo", "openssh-server", "mailx"]
    when: ansible_facts['os_family'] == "RedHat"

2. Check if Users Exist and Set Facts for New Users

  - name: Check if users exist and set fact for new users
    command: "getent passwd {{ item.username }}"
    register: user_check
    loop: "{{ users }}"
    changed_when: false
    failed_when: false

3. Generate Passwords for New Users

  - name: Generate passwords for new users
      user_passwords: "{{ user_passwords | default({}) | combine({item.item.username: lookup('password', '/dev/null length=15 chars=ascii_letters+digits')}) }}"
    loop: "{{ user_check.results }}"
    when: item.stdout == ""

4. Create New Users with Plain-Text Passwords

  - name: Create new users with plain-text passwords if they do not exist
      name: "{{ item.username }}"
      password: "{{ user_passwords[item.username] | default('') | password_hash('sha512') }}"
      groups: sudo
      append: yes
      create_home: yes
      shell: /bin/bash  
      update_password: on_create
      expires: -1
    loop: "{{ users }}"
    when: item.username in user_passwords

5. Set Password to Expire Upon First Login

  - name: Set password to expire upon first login for newly created users
    command: chage -d 0 "{{ item.username }}"
    loop: "{{ users }}"
    when: item.username in user_passwords

6. Deploy SSH Public Keys for the Users

  - name: Deploy SSH public keys for the users
      user: "{{ item.username }}"
      state: present
      key: "{{ item.ssh_key }}"
    loop: "{{ users }}"

7. Send Password to Users via Email

  - name: Send password to users via email
      port: 25
      to: "{{ }}"
      subject: "Your new account password"
      body: |
        Dear {{ item.username }},

        Your new account has been created on the following host: {{ ansible_host }}.

        Username: {{ item.username }}
        Password: {{ user_passwords[item.username] }}

        Please change your password upon first login.
        **Note:** This is an automated message generated by Ansible. Please do not reply to this email.

        Best regards,
        Sdnog Team

    loop: "{{ users }}"
    when: item.username in user_passwords


Full Code

  - name: Configure sudo users with SSH keys and require password change on first login
    hosts: host-ip-address
    become: true
        - username: sdnog-user
          ssh_key: "ssh-ed25519 some SSH KEY here eddsa-key-20240807"
          email: ""

      - name: needed packages are installed (Debian/Ubuntu)
          name: "{{ item }}"
          state: latest
        loop: ["sudo", "openssh-server", "mailutils"]
        when: ansible_facts['os_family'] == "Debian"

      - name: needed packages are installed (RedHat/CentOS)
          name: "{{ item }}"
          state: latest
        loop: ["sudo", "openssh-server", "mailx"]
        when: ansible_facts['os_family'] == "RedHat"

      - name: Check if users exist and set fact for new users
        command: "getent passwd {{ item.username }}"
        register: user_check
        loop: "{{ users }}"
        changed_when: false
        failed_when: false

      - name: Generate passwords for new users
          user_passwords: "{{ user_passwords | default({}) | combine({item.item.username: lookup('password', '/dev/null length=15 chars=ascii_letters+digits')}) }}"
        loop: "{{ user_check.results }}"
        when: item.stdout == ""

      - name: Create new users with plain-text passwords if they do not exist
          name: "{{ item.username }}"
          password: "{{ user_passwords[item.username] | default('') | password_hash('sha512') }}"
          groups: sudo
          append: yes
          create_home: yes
          shell: /bin/bash  
          update_password: on_create
          expires: -1
        loop: "{{ users }}"
        when: item.username in user_passwords

      - name: Set password to expire upon first login for newly created users
        command: chage -d 0 "{{ item.username }}"
        loop: "{{ users }}"
        when: item.username in user_passwords

      - name: Deploy SSH public keys for the users
          user: "{{ item.username }}"
          state: present
          key: "{{ item.ssh_key }}"
        loop: "{{ users }}"

      - name: Send password to users via email
          port: 25
          to: "{{ }}"
          subject: "Your new account password"
          body: |
            Dear {{ item.username }},

            Your new account has been created on the following host: {{ ansible_host }}.
            Username: {{ item.username }}
            Password: {{ user_passwords[item.username] }}

            Please change your password upon first login.

            **Note:** This is an automated message generated by Ansible. Please do not reply to this email.

            Best regards,
            Sdnog Team

        loop: "{{ users }}"
        when: item.username in user_passwords
