
From SdNOG wiki
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The SdNOG wiki is intended as an open collaboration resource, open to use for anyone to discussed matters relevant to SdNOG's charter. That said, to limit spam, and to ensure that articles are submitted, and updated by bona-fide humans, the SdNOG management committee has adopted an account verification policy as per below.

It is also hoped that users will actively maintain their respective pages, which will lead to more interactive meet-and-greet sessions for the future.

Account verification policy

  1. All pages on the wiki will only be editable to authenticated users.
  2. Anyone may apply to be a user on the wiki, and, in doing so, agrees to supply the base information on the account application page.
  3. Prospective editors will be verified by a member of the volunteer team and accounts subsequently verified. The team will not make judgement calls on the ability of the individual to edit, or contribute constructively, but only verify that the prospective editor is not a bot, or likely source of spam.

If you're interesting in helping out, click here to get your account and start editing