Network Services and Monitoring Online Course

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this course is being provided by ISOC.


This is an intermediate level course for network and system engineers/administrators aiming to get operational experience with IPv6 with a focus on specific Internet services provided by Internet Society. The course covers the following main areas:

  • Authoritative DNS
  • Introduction to Email
  • Network Monitoring

The course is strictly 3 weeks long. Each trainee will be assigned a virtual server and will be required to build working services as mentioned above to provide services on an IPv6 address. The course is lab intensive (70%) with trainees provided with theory materials that they can read. Trainees are also encouraged to do their own research in order to cover the concepts in the course.
More info at:

Course Timetable

The course follows the following schedule:

 Week 1:
     - Introduction to DNS 
     - DNS Resolvers 
     - DNS Authoritative
     - LAB ASSIGNMENT 1: install BIND
     - LAB ASSIGNMENT 2: Zone set up 
     - LAB ASSIGNMENT 3 : Zone file creation
Week 2: 
     - Email introduction 
     - Postfix Dovecot Introduction 
     - LAB ASSIGNMENT 4: create MX record for your mail server 
     - LAB ASSIGNMENT 5: Install Postfix and Dovecot 
     - LAB ASSIGNMENT 6: Setup Postfix and Dovecot
   Optional Part - Securing mail system :
     - LAB ASSIGNMENT 8 Apache setup
     - LAB ASSIGNMENT 9 letsencrypt Part01 
     - LAB ASSIGNMENT 10 letsencrypt Part02
     - LAB ASSIGNMENT 11 Configure Dovecot
     - LAB ASSIGNMENT 12  Configure Squirrel-mail
Week 3: 
     - Nagios Introduction 
     - LAB ASSIGNMENT 13 Installing Nagious
     - LAB ASSIGNMENT 14 monitor DNS on localhost

Pre-Requisites to attend

  • Completion of the Introduction to UNIX/Linux and Networking Course.
  • A Computer system with at least 2 browsers (Chrome and Firefox preferred.
  • Good Internet Connectivity.

Our Certified Participants

Meet our certified Participants who complete the online course successfully. ⭐️

Participants' Feedback

What former participants say about the courses.


Language of instruction will be English.

Moderation and Online Support

This course will be moderated by Eng. Manhal Mohamed & assisted by Eng. Abdulrahman Mohammed Hassan.
Online remote support is available via Email or Telegram.

Offline Content

Offline training materials are available and are frequently updated.

Registration Form