UNIX/Linux, Networking and DNS Online Course: Participants' Feedback
Revision as of 13:46, 1 August 2018 by Sara.alamin (talk | contribs)
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Thanks SDNOG for the great opportunity has given to me, I thought linux and DNS are very difficult areas to login, you proved to me that it's interesting exciting and you encourage me to take more courses and gain more knowledge in these two topics. I believe I will be lucky if you keep involve us in such courses. Many thanks again. Nahid Elhussein Ahmed 1 August 2018
It's powerful course ,l have learned new topics like configure a DNS and working with free-BSD operating system and Unix/Linux basics , I enjoyed during I studying course content. My teacher eng-manhal help me to get more knowledge about course content and solving problems Thanks ISOC , SDNOG 😍 Computer engineering /alzaem alazhari university 😍 Mojahid Mohammed Ali Computer Engineering Alzaeim Alazhari University
vim editorي سلام..انا استفدت شديد من التجربة دي...نزلت ترينتق في هواوي. اول تاسك إحتجت حسيت بالثقه وانا بشتغل التاسك 😂..بجد شكرا لانو الكورس كان مشروح كويس جدااا....دا بس كمثال شكرا ي منهل وساره thanks SdNOG & ISOC هند ابوبكر علوم الحاسوب