Post-event Activities

From SdNOG wiki
Revision as of 09:32, 20 February 2018 by Sara.alamin (talk | contribs)
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The page contains list of activities need to be completed after the event is finished.

  1. Complete any action items raised during event.
  2. Create the wiki page for the event using the same template for the events.
  3. Upload all event materials in the website, by uploading them in SdNOG google drive account, you will need to create new folder with the name of the event, and sub-folder (Day1 , Day2, Name of the workshop, etc...).
  4. Collect all photos and media related items and upload them at SdNOG Flickr account .
  5. Confirm all funds and funds related documents are completed.
  6. Send Thanks note to all sponsors and speakers. Please check the Templates
  7. Prepare financial report for the event and Link it in the wiki page, by uploading it in SdNOG google drive account, under the event folder.
  8. Prepare activities report for the event and link it in the wiki page, by uploading it in SdNOG google drive account, under the event folder.
  9. Analyze the survey feedback and publish the result.
